+(63) 916 717 7141 or +(63) 969 082 0676

Discover the Freedom of Sidemount Diving

Explore a new diving method with Scubaholics Subic's PADI Sidemount Rec Diver course. Sidemount diving offers a unique approach to scuba diving with tanks mounted at the diver's sides, providing comfort, improved balance, and more efficient gas management. Ideal for those looking for prolonged dive times or a different scuba configuration, this course introduces you to the techniques and benefits of sidemount diving.

Why Choose Sidemount Diving?

Comfort and Efficiency

Experience the comfort and ease of donning tanks in the water and enjoy improved balance underwater.

Gas Management Skills

Learn efficient gas management techniques, beneficial for all divers.

Introduction to Technical Diving

Gain insights into basic technical diving methods.

Who Can Enroll in the Sidemount Rec Diver Course?


Open to PADI Open Water Divers or those with a qualifying certification who are at least 15 years old.

Course Overview

Equipment Configuration

Learn how to assemble and configure sidemount diving equipment for optimal performance.

In-Water Skills

Practice mounting scuba tanks in the water and adjusting weights for perfect balance.

Efficient Movement

Master the frog kick to move effortlessly while wearing sidemount gear.

How the Course Works

eLearning Flexibility

Start with PADI eLearning®, allowing for flexible study online or offline. The eLearning component typically requires 2-4 hours to complete.

Practical Training

Begin with a confined water dive to familiarize yourself with sidemount equipment, followed by open water dives to practice skills like tank attachment/removal, gas management, and problem-solving.

Start Your Sidemount Adventure with Scubaholics Subic

Our experienced instructors will guide you through every step, ensuring a comprehensive and enjoyable learning experience.

Experience a New Style of Diving