+(63) 916 717 7141 or +(63) 969 082 0676

Explore Technical Diving with Versatility

Dive into technical diving with a new perspective with the Tec Sidemount Diver course, which introduces you to the increasingly popular sidemount configuration, a versatile approach to handling multiple cylinders in technical diving. Whether you're just starting in Tec diving or looking to apply sidemount skills to other TecRec courses, this course is an excellent starting point.

Why Choose Tec Sidemount?

Sidemount Advantages

Learn about the benefits of sidemount diving, including ease of cylinder handling and increased gas supply.

Hands-On Training

Gain practical experience with a Tec sidemount harness during one confined water session and four open water dives, starting with two tanks and progressing to more.

Who Can Enroll in the Tec Sidemount Course?


Open to PADI Advanced Open Water Divers who are at least 18 years old and have a minimum of 30 logged dives. It is recommended to have a PADI Enriched Air Diver certification.

Cross-Training Opportunity

The course can be integrated with the Tec 40, Tec 45, or Tec 50 courses, enhancing your technical diving skill set.

Course Overview

Sidemount Configuration

Learn how to set up and manage a Tec sidemount harness effectively.

Progressive Skill Development

Start with two tanks and gradually add more, potentially using up to six sidemounted cylinders for advanced technical diving scenarios.

Getting Started with Scubaholics

Course Materials

Begin with the PADI Sidemount Diver and Tec Sidemount Diver Manual available at Scubaholics. If you're already a recreational sidemount diver, you'll focus on advanced chapters; if not, you'll cover the entire manual.

Personalized Instruction

Our experienced Tec Sidemount Instructors at Scubaholics will guide you through every aspect of the course, ensuring a comprehensive and tailored learning experience.

Start Your Tec Sidemount Adventure